Senin, 20 Juni 2011

TWAS-CSIR Postgraduate Fellowship Programme 2012, India

TWAS-CSIR Postgraduate Fellowship Programme 2012, India

Fellowship for young scientists from developing countries.

Study Subject: Science and technology
Employer: The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India and TWAS
Level: PhD

TWAS-CSIR Postgraduate Fellowships are tenable in CSIR research laboratories and institutes in India for a maximum period of four years. Applicants may be registered for a PhD degree in their home country, or may enroll in a PhD course at any University in India.
SANDWICH Fellowships (for those registered for a PhD in their home country): The Fellowship may be granted for a minimum period of 6 months and a maximum of 4 years.
FULL-TIME Fellowships (for those not registered for a PhD): The Fellowship may be granted for an initial period of up to 12 months. Such Fellowships may then be extended for a further 3 years, subject to the student’s performance and his/her registration for PhD at a university in India or theirhome country. CSIR will confirm any such extensions to both TWAS and the candidate.

Eligibility Criteria: Applicants for these fellowships must meet the following criteria:
-Be a maximum age of 35 years on 31 December of the application year.
-Be nationals of a developing country (other than India.
-Hold a Master’s degree in science and technology.
-Be regularly employed in their home country and hold a research assignment there.
-SANDWICH Fellowships: Be registered PhD students in their home country and provide the “Registration and No Objection Certificate” from the HOME university.
-FULL-TIME Fellowships: Be willing to register at a university in India within the first year, if agreed to by CSIR.
-Be accepted at a CSIR laboratory/institution and provide an official acceptance letter from the host institution .N.B. Requests for acceptance must be directed to the chosen CSIR host institution(s), with copy to the CSIR contact person. This will allow CSIR to monitor requests and offer support or assistance in finding suitable host institution(s), if necessary;
-Provide evidence of proficiency in English.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 august 2011

For further information, go to:

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