Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships at University of Maryland, USA

Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships at University of Maryland, USA

University of Maryland Announce Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships at, USA

Study Subject: Offered by university of Maryland
Employer: University of Maryland
Level: Doctoral

Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships is a companion program to the University of Maryland Flagship Fellowships and the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships. The Summer Research Fellowships provide support to doctoral students at “mid-career,” that is, in the period approximately before, during, or after achievement of candidacy. Fellowship awards were made to 48 students in Summer 2010, and we hope to continue that in 2011. The Summer Research Fellowships will provide doctoral students the opportunity to concentrate fully on their own scholarly activities and research, for the duration of a summer, at a critical moment in their graduate studies. The specific goal of the program is to help students to take a significant step forward in their studies in a timely manner; the overall goals are to reduce timeto- degree, to increase degree completion, and to enhance the quality of thegraduate student experience.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 14 March 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Geography Research Scholarships 2011, New Zealand

Geography Research Scholarships 2011, New Zealand

Market Economics Geography Research Scholarships 2011 Available to Post Graduate Dissertation and Masters Thesis in Geography/GIS Students, New Zealand

Study Subject: Human/economic geography, including GIS
Employer: Market Economics
Level: Postgraduate

The purpose of the M.E Scholarships is to encourage post graduate research in the field of human/economic geography, including GIS, by rewarding demonstrated ability and lowering financial barriers. Ensuring a continued interest in these academic fields is necessary for the future health of a range of professional sectors in the New Zealand and international market place, including the future health of companies such as M.E.Through this scholarship programme, M.E hopes to demonstrate to geography students the importance and relevance of post-graduate study, and research in human/economic geography in particular (including GIS).
Post-graduate geography students develop a range of skills that are very valuable in the market place including big-picture, spatial and modelling approaches to problem solving. Although an M.E scholarship does not guarantee future employment at M.E, these are the skills M.E looks for in potential business/spatial analyst employees.
Many of M.E’s current and past staff members were post-graduate students in Geography at Auckland University. M.E is keen to foster an ongoing relationship with the Geography Department through this scholarship programme by providing a tangible ‘face’ of how geography is applied in the workplace.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
Research Dissertation Scholarship-17 June 2011
Masters Research Thesis Scholarship-18 February 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Frank Martin Scholarships for Management Studies at University of Manchester, UK

Frank Martin Scholarships for Management Studies at University of Manchester, UK

Study Subject: Management Studies
Employer: Manchester Business School
Level: Master

Frank Martin was born in Manchester and graduated with a BSc (Hons) Management Sciences in 1973 from the former School of Management, UMIST and he then entered a career in marketing and general management in the consumer products industry. His first general management position was as Managing Director of Denby Pottery. Since 2001 he has been Chief Executive of Hornby Plc. This is the 3rd year that Frank is supporting this initiative and we are very grateful his generosity.
Eligibility: Open to British permanent residents. Mature applicants (i.e. without a degree can be considered). To be considered, you need to be a British permanent resident (i.e. with unlimited leave to remain in the UK) and also have been ordinarily resident in the UK (i.e. the UK is your main place of residence) for a consecutive period of three years prior to the start of the Full-time MBA programme (30 August 2011).

Scholarship Application Deadline: 21 March 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

2011-Phd studentship for the Students Pursuing Geographic Information Science in University of Salzburg in Austria

Doctoral Scholarship in Geographic Information Science, University of Salzburg, Austria

2011-Phd studentship for the Students Pursuing Geographic Information Science in University of Salzburg in Austria

Study Subject: Geographic Information Science
Employer: University of Salzburg
Level: PhD

Requirements are the excellent completion of a degree at the Masters level in Geoinformatics, Geomatics, Computer Science or any scientific/technical subject in a relevant field, and excellent English language (both oral and writing) skills. Applicants have to submit the complete scholarship application as detailed at the under “Application form” (see left hand side of this website).
Candidates will be selected by the selection committee consisting of the faculty members. Successful candidates will then be invited to start their official admission process at the University of Salzburg. For this first selection process only electronic documentation is required.Undersign the last page electronically. If this is not possible, print out the last page, scan it and attach it like the other documents requested (specified at the last page of theapplication form).
Scan your certificates and convert them into pdf-files. Send the filled application form and the attachments.Please make sure that the application form and all attachments alltogether do not exceed 6 Mb .

Scholarship Application Deadline: 20 April, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Undergraduate Scholarship for the American citizens pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math in USA -2011

Buick Achievers National Scholarships by GM Foundation, USA

Undergraduate Scholarship for the American citizens pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math in USA -2011

Study Subject: Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math, Select Design, Marketing, Accounting, Finance and Business
Employer: GM foundation
Level: Undergraduate

Applicants must:
•Be high school seniors or high school graduates who are first-time college students in the fall of 2011
•Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university for the entire 2011-12 academic year
•Plan to major in a course of study that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math). Select Design, Marketing, Accounting, Finance and Business majors are also eligible. See the list of eligible majors. Scholarship recipients will demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the automotive or related industries using these areas of study.
•Be U.S. citizens and have permanent residence in the United States
Excluded from consideration are employees and relatives of employees of Scholarship Management Services, Scholarship America and their affiliates and subcontractors, and GM Foundation Directors, Officers, and staff and their relatives. Relatives of General Motors employees are eligible.
Award Criteria:Scholarship recipients are selected based on the following factors:
•Academic achievement,
•Financial need,
•Participation and leadership in community and school activities, work experience, educational and career goals, and unusual circumstances, and
•Please note special consideration will be given to the following applicants: first-generation college, female, minority, military veteran or a dependent of military personnel.
The majority of the scholarships will be awarded to students majoring in STEM fields, with a heavy emphasis on Engineering majors.Selection of recipients is made by Scholarship Management Services. Allscholarship recipients may be subject to a criminal background check.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 31, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

PhD positions for the Students pursuing Communication, Education, International Relations, and Public Administration in USA, 2011-2012

AGBU PhD Fellowship for the Citizens of Armenia in USA
PhD positions for the Students pursuing Communication, Education, International Relations, and Public Administration in USA, 2011-2012

Study Subject: Communication, Education, International Relations, and Public Administration.
Employer: AGBU
Level: PhD

Eligibility Requirements to Become an AGBU Fellow:
AGBU offers scholarships to full-time graduate and post-graduate students of Armenian descent who are U.S. residents or citizens. Grants are available for up to three (3) years of graduate study and up to two (2) years of PhD study.
Applicants must be enrolled in degree programs at highly competitive colleges and universities in the United Stateswith a GPA of 3.5 and above.Applicants who are citizens of Armenia qualify for grants for study outside of Armenia (i.e., in the US) only if amajor portion of the tuition and other expenses – 75 percent or more – has already been secured through foundations, governmental and state grants, and/or the academic institution they are attending.

All areas of graduate and post-graduate study will be considered. Preference will be given to the fields ofCommunication, Education, International Relations, and Public Administration.Incomplete applications and those postmarked after April 15 will not be considered.Complete applications will undergo a selective review process, based on the following criteria:
1. Academic Excellence
2. Financial Need
3. Prior Public and Community Service, with particular attention to their involvement in the
Armenian community Scholarships are awarded annually in the range of $1,500-7,500. AGBU Fellows will be announced by the end of June.

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 15,2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

2011-2012, Undergraduate Scholarship Programme for the Applicants of Armenia

AGBU International Scholarship for Undergraduate Students of Armenian Descent

2011-2012, Undergraduate Scholarship Programme for the Applicants of Armenia

Study Subject: Any
Employer: AGBU
Level: Undergraduate

AGBU offers financial assistance on an annual basis to full-time undergraduate students of Armenian descent enrolled in colleges and universities in their countries of residence. If a desired area of study is not available in the student’s country of residence, the support of study elsewhere may be considered. Some selected fields of graduate study may also be considered. Applicants must be enrolled in degree programs in highly competitivecolleges and universities in their country of residence with a GPA of 3.0 and above, as measured by the American grading system scale.
Applicants who are citizens of Armenia qualify for grants for study outside of Armenia only if a major portion of the tuition and other expenses – 75 percent or more – has already been secured through foundations, governmental and state grants, and/or the academic institution they are attending.Transitional language coursework is not eligible forfinancial assistance.
Applicants will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
1. Academic Excellence
2. Financial Need
3. Public and Community Service, with particular attention to their involvement in the
Armenian community
Applicants are eligible to apply for renewal for up to five (5) years, with scholarships awarded annually toward
college/university education expenses. Application packages must be submitted to the AGBU Chapter Office by region of residence or region of study. If there is no AGBU Chapter Office in your area/country, forward your application to the AGBU Central Office in New York City. AGBUScholarship recipients will be announced by the end of September.

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 31,2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

2011 Victoria PhD Scholarship for International Students, New Zealand

2011 Victoria PhD Scholarship for International Students, New Zealand

PhD scholarship for International students in any Discipline at Victoria University of Wellington 2011, New Zealand

Study Subject: Any Discipline
Employer: Victoria University of Wellington
Level: PhD

To encourage postgraduate research Victoria offers scholarships to those about to begin their doctoral studies. These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and international students in any discipline.
The Victoria PhD Scholarship consists of a $21,000 per annum stipend plus domestic tuition fees for up to three years. These scholarships are offered to the top ranked candidates in any round. Scholarships will be awarded in three selection rounds.
Applicants who do not clearly meet the academic criteria may be considered under any of the following categories for a Victoria Doctoral Scholarship:
+ The applicant has a strong academic record and is recognised as showing the potential for research
+ The applicant has significant work experience or significant peer esteem in the research field to which they are applying.
+ The applicant has a recognised record of publications.
+ The applicant’s proposed research would contribute significantly to the School, Institute or Centre’s Research Plan.
+ The involvement of the applicant in the School’s programme of research would assist in building a ‘critical mass’ of research and/or involve
collaboration between institutions.
+ The strategic direction of the proposed research could invlove joint initiatives with the business community to develop future commercialisation of the research.

Scholarship Application Deadline: on 1 March 2011 , 1 July 2011 and 1 November 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

2011 United States Studies Centre Fellowships in Innovation for Australian Students at Stanford

2011 United States Studies Centre Fellowships in Innovation for Australian Students at Stanford

2011- Postgraduate Fellowships Programme in Innovation for the applicants of Australia in USA

Study Subject: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Employer: United States Studies Centre
Level: Holding a PhD degree or Postdoctoral fellow

United States Studies Centre Fellowships in Innovation provide for Australian PhD students and Postdoctoral Fellows to participate in Stanford University’s Summer Institute for Entrepreneurship in June-July 2011. The Fellowships have been established by the US Studies Centre Program on Innovation to provide the fundamentals of business and entrepreneurship for young Australian researchers in the stimulating environment of Stanford University and Silicon Valley, the hub of innovation in the United States.The four-week Summer Institute for Entrepreneurship is conducted by faculty of Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. It employs a combination of lectures, entrepreneurial projects, small group discussions, guest entrepreneurs and workshops to provide a comprehensive understanding of business fundamentals and the process of launching a new venture. Participants work in teams on new business projects throughout the program and present their final proposals to a panel of venture capitalists.

Up to five US Studies Centre Fellowships in Innovation at Stanford will be awarded by the US Studies Centre in 2011 to Australian citizens in science, engineering or medicine who are interested in starting an innovative business. The Fellowships are intended to cover 80% of the program tuition fee and on-campus.Fellowships will be awarded on merit by the US Studies Centre to researchers at Australian institutions who succeed in gaining admission to the SIE Program.
The scholarship is valued at $8,000 (tax exempt).

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 March 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

2011 PhD Fellowship in University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

2011 PhD Fellowship in University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Fellowship Programme in Sociology, Political Science or Economics at University DuisburgEssen in Germany- 2011

Study Subject: Sociology, Political Science or Economics.
Employer: University DuisburgEssen
Level: PhD

Research training group Risk and East Asia offers seven doctoral stipends of 1000 Euro/month for a duration of three years, contingent on successful completion of the first year.
Doctoral candidates are expected to develop a doctoral research project in one of the four sub-themes of the program. The doctoral degree is awarded by one of the affiliated faculties in sociology, political science or economics.

To support field research in East Asia and early entry into the European scientific community, support is also provided for travel and research in either Japan or China, and for a range of workshops and independent conference participation in Europe, especially with the UK Partner White Rose East Asian Centre at the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield.There is no separate funding application, because all admitted applicants receive a stipend.Tuition fees are waived for doctoral students, though candidates are required to pay an administrative fee of about 150 Euros per semester, which includes a train pass for the entire federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 15, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

2011 Ontario First Generation Bursary, Ryerson University, Cana

2011 Ontario First Generation Bursary, Ryerson University, Canada

Undergraduate Bursary for the applicants of Canada at Ryerson University in Canada -2011

Study Subject: Any
Employer: University Ryerson
Level: Undergraduate

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities has created a bursary for Ontario First Generation Students through their Access and Opportunities Strategies. A first generation student is an individual whose parents have not attended postsecondary studies full-time or part-time, in or outside Canada, at any time or in any program. These bursaries are open to full-time undergraduate degree students who are completing the first, second or third year of their program as of March 31, 2011 and are returning to Ryerson in the Fall of 2011. Recipients must qualify as entitled to the Canadian Resident Tuition fee structure. The value of each bursary ranges from $1,000 to $3,500. There will be over 50 bursaries awarded.
CRITERIA: All applicants must:
. Be the first generation in their family to attend a University.
. Be Canadian citizens/permanent residents.
. Be residents of Ontario.
. Be officially enrolled in a full-time undergraduate degree program.
. Be currently completing first, second or third year of their program and returning to Ryerson in Fall 2011.
. Be enrolled in a minimum 60% course load per term (3 units or more in the Fall term and 3 units or more in the Winter term).
. Demonstrate financial need.
. Have a 2.00 CGPA or better and be in clear academic standing.
Bursary funds will be deposited to individual tuition fee accounts in August.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 31, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

2011 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program for International Students, China

2011 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program for International Students, China

2011 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship for Overseas students by Taiwan Ministry of Education to undertake Mandarin language (Huayu) courses in the Republic of China

Study Subject: Mandarin language courses
Employer: Taiwan Ministry of Education
Level: at least holding a high school diploma or higher

To encourage international students (excluding Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao SAR students) to undertake Mandarin language (Huayu) courses in the Republic of China (Taiwan), in order to provide them with opportunities to increase their understanding of Taiwanese culture and society, and to promote mutual understanding and interactions between Taiwan and the international community.

International applicants above the age of 18, who possess a high school diploma or higher, excellent academic performance, and are of good moral character may apply. Candidates with one of the following qualifications may not apply.
a. Overseas Chinese students or a national of the R.O.C.
b. Students currently registered at a Mandarin Language Center or in a degree program at any university or college in Taiwan.
c. Individuals who have already received a HES or a Taiwan scholarship in the past.
d. Exchange students to Taiwan during the scholarship period.
e. Individuals currently receiving financial benefits from the Taiwan government or other educational institutions

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 31 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Debesh-Kamal Scholarship for Higher Education/Research Abroad

Debesh-Kamal Scholarship for Higher Education/Research Abroad

Debesh-Kamal Scholarship for Indian National for Pursuing Higher Studies Abroad

Study Subject: Humanities and the basic sciences, but candidates in other disciplines, such as social sciences and applied science and technology, will also be considered
Employer: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture
Level: PhD

Debesh-Kamal Scholarships will be awarded by the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata, to deserving candidates for the purpose of higher education/research abroad. The scholarship will be open to Indian nationals irrespective of caste, creed, or religious faith.


i) Applications for the scholarships, as well as any subsequent correspondence, are to be addressed to the Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park,Kolkata 700 029, and the envelopes should carry the inscription ‘Debesh-Kamal Scholarship’.

ii) Candidates will have to submit, along with their applications, a Postal Order/ Bank Draft for Rs. 100/- in favour of the Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, as the application fee which is not refundable.

Qualification and Age

i) The candidates must have a uniformly good academic record with first class marks at the Honours or Post-graduate level, relaxable by the Selection Committee.
ii) They should not ordinarily be more than 30 years of age. Exceptions may be made for short-term post-graduate or post-doctoral researchers.

Area of Study
The preferred subjects of study/research are the humanities and the basic sciences, but candidates in other disciplines, such as social sciences andapplied science and technology, will also be considered.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 25 April, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

VEL TECH Mahatma Gandhi National Merit Scholarship

VEL TECH Mahatma Gandhi National Merit Scholarship

Rs. 7 Crore VEL TECH Mahatma Gandhi National Merit Scholarship for B.Tech, MBA, M. Tech programmes

Study Subject: Technology and Management
Employer: VEL TECH Dr.RR Dr. SR. Technical University
Level: Bachelors, Masters

For B Tech -100% Scholarships of free tuition fees, hostel with boarding and lodging for 4 years to top three
students from each state admitted to B.Tech. Programme, through VTUEEE 10.
-50% concession in tuition fees to the top 100 students who join the B.Tech. programme with not less than 90% in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in +2 examinations.
-Vel Tech Mahatma Gandhi Joint Scholarship Schemes worth Rs.1.5 Crores for 100 students with 85% and above in +2 examination, in collaboration with THE HINDU, Hindustan Times .

For MBA:
-100% Scholarships covering tuition fees to the top 3 rank holders admitted to MBA course t h r o u g h VTUMBA 10 based on the entrance examination marks.
-50% scholarships of the tuition fees to the top 12 students admitted to MBA course 3 each from North, South, East and West zones of the country based on the marks secured in the VTUMBA 10.
-Candidates who have secured top 3 ranks in the entrance examination and in respective University examinations in the degree level will be automatically included in determining the first 3 ranks in
each zone.
-All candidates, other than those who receive the All India Merit Scholarship as above, who are admitted to the MBA programme and who have passed the degree examination in first class in their respective universities will be granted a concession of Rs.10,000/- in the fees for the first year at the time of admission.

For ME/M.Tech:
-100% Scholarships covering tuition fees to candidates who have secured first rank in the B.E./B.Tech. Programme of any university.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 24 April 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

US Embassy Policy Specialist Program (EPS), USA

US Embassy Policy Specialist Program (EPS), USA

US Embassy Policy Specialist Program (EPS) for Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine

Study Subject: Policy specialist program
Employer: IREX
Level: EPS applicants must have a graduate degree (PhD, MA, MD, MBA, MFA, MPA, MPH, MLIS, MS, JD) at the time of application .

Applications are now being accepted for the 2011-12 US Embassy Policy Specialist (EPS) Program. Each EPS fellowship lasts one to two months and is determined in consultation with the host embassy or consulate. As part of the EPS fellowship, participants are provided with visa assistance, international roundtrip transportation, housing in the country of service, a monthly allowance for living expenses, and emergency evacuation insurance. EPS fellows work closely with embassy or consulate staff and receive support from field offices in the region.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 March 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

The Crawford Fund Fellowship 2011 for Agricultural Scientist from Developing Countries, Australia

The Crawford Fund Fellowship 2011 for Agricultural Scientist from Developing Countries, Australia

The Crawford Fund is now calling for nominations for the Crawford Fund Fellowship for an Agricultural Scientist for 2011

Study Subject: Agriculture
Employer: The Crawford Fund
Level: Training

The aim of the Fellowship is to provide further training for an agricultural scientist from a selected group of developing countries whose work has shown significant potential. The training will take place at an Australian agricultural institution and will emphasise the application of knowledge to increased agricultural production in the Fellow’s home country.

The Fellowship is offered annually to an agricultural scientist below the age of 35 years, from a developing country, who is a citizen of, or who is working in, one the following countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, East Timor, Fiji, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Is, Tonga, Tuvalu and Kiribati, Vanuatu or Vietnam.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

SPDC Niger Delta Postgraduate Scholarship at University College London 2011 in UK

SPDC Niger Delta Postgraduate Scholarship at University College London 2011 in UK

Postgraduate Scholarship for the Applicants of Nigeria in University College London 2011 in UK

Study Subject: Chemical Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
Employer: University College London
Level: Postgraduate

A scholarship application should accompany, or follow, a University Graduate Entry Application. Scholarship applications will not be considered until the applicant has been accepted by University College London to undertake an eligible programme of postgraduate study.Applicants must personally complete this form by entering the information requested in the appropriate blocks.
Applicants must :
• display intellectual ability and leadership potential;
• have a high standard of English, ie at least 6.5 in IELTS and meet the university’s language requirements;and
• be aged between 21-30 years;
• originate from one of the Delta States in Nigeria, namely Rivers, Delta or Bayelsa and currently reside in Nigeria;
• intend to return and take up permanent residence in Nigeria after completion of the proposed programme of study
• intend to study one of the following courses.
• have obtained a degree of at least an equivalent standard to a UK Upper Second Class Honours Degree
• be neither a current nor former employee (who have left employment less than 5 years before) of SPDC, the Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies or Wider Perspectives Limited, or current employee’s relatives;
• not already have had the chance of studying in the UK or another developed country.
Undertaking by applicants :By completing this form applicants attest to the accuracy of the information given and to their intentionto return to and settle in Nigeria/ the Delta States on completion of the proposed programme of study.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 28 March 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Postdoctoral Position in Computational Thermal Sciences, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi

Postdoctoral Position in Computational Thermal Sciences, Masdar Institute of Science & Technology, Abu Dhabi

Masdar Institute of Science & Technology offers postdoctoral position in Computational Thermal Sciences, UAE

Study Subject: Computational Thermal Sciences
Employer: Masdar Institute of Science & Technology
Level: Postdoctoral

We are seeking a post-doctoral research associate in the area of computational thermal sciences. The project aims at developing simulation tools for chemical looping combustion for carbon capture, and is funded by MIT/Masdar collaborative research grant. Candidates with Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or a related field and research experience in CFD methods are encouraged to apply. Experience in reacting flow modeling is desirable. Theposition provides excellent opportunity of collaboration with research group at MIT and excellent compensation package (salary range: US$ 60,000 – 70,000 per year).

About Masdar Institute:
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, located in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., is a private, not-for-profit, independent, graduate-level, research-driven institute developed with the support and cooperation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The goal of the Institute is to develop, over a period of years, indigenous R&D capacity in Abu Dhabi, addressing issues of importance to the region in critical areas such as: renewable energy, sustainability, environment, water resources and microelectronics. The Institute offers graduate degree programs (MSc & PhD) in science and engineering disciplines with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies.

How to apply:Please send your application with a detailed resume and a list of 3 references to Professor Tariq Shamim, Mechanical Engineering, Masdar Institute of Science & Technology, P.O. Box 54224, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Phone: +971(2) 810-9158. Electronic submission of application is greatly preferred. Email: tshamim-at-masdar.ac.ae

Fellowship Application Deadline: Contact Employer

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Translational Neuroscience of Drug Abuse, Center for Addictive Behaviors, Sweden

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Translational Neuroscience of Drug Abuse, Center for Addictive Behaviors, Sweden

Postdoctoral Fellowships Positions in Translational Neuroscience of Drug Abuse at Center for Addictive Behaviors, Stockholm University, Sweden

UCLA Translational Neuroscience of Drug Abuse (TNDA) Program set forth to link several successful UCLA research centers by establishing a unified training program. Each spring applications are accepted for both pre and postdoctoral fellowships (12-month, renewable appointments).
The program is funded by a NIDA T32 Training Grant and provides trainees with the integrative knowledge base needed to conduct bidirectional translational studies including cutting-edge technical laboratory methods, computational approaches in data evaluation, and issues related to ethical treatment of human subjects. TNDA trainees will have a research project in a specific mentor’s laboratory, but will gain exposure to other areas of drug abuse research through laboratory rotations, common core training elements as well as by formal and informal interaction among key faculty and TNDA leadership. Successful researchers must also become adept at identifying sources of research funding and at preparing fundable applications that can further their independent investigation. TNDA trainees will receive didactic training and mentoring in these important areas, with emphasis on skills in scientific writing and presentation to enhance dissemination of research findings.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

PhD Position in Spectroscopy on Conjugated Polymers, Netherlands

PhD Position in Spectroscopy on Conjugated Polymers, Netherlands

2011- Doctorate Programme for the Students Pursuing Spectroscopy on Conjugated Polymers in Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

You will study the dynamics of excitons and charge carriers with femtosecond and nanosecond pump-probe laser techniques, including microwave and terahertz conductivity measurements. In addition, high-energy electron pulses can be used specifically to generate charges.Candidates for the PhD position must have a university degree in physics or chemistry, and ideally some experience with time-resolved spectroscopy. For the Post-doc position a doctoral degree related to time-resolved spectroscopy is required.

Conditions of Employment at FOM .When filling a PhD position at the FOM foundation, you will have the status of junior scientist.You will have employee status and can participate in all the employee benefits FOM offers.You will have a four-year contract. Your salary will be up to a maximum of €2,457 gross per month.You are supposed to have a thesis finished at the end of your four-year term with FOM.A training programme is part of the agreement. You and your supervisor will make up a plan for the additional education and supervision that you specifically need. This plan also defineswhich teaching activities you will be responsible for (up to a maximum of 10% of your time).

Scholarship Application Deadline: 01 April 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

PhD in Computational Chemistry, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

PhD in Computational Chemistry, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

2011-Doctorate Positions for the Students Pursuing Computational Chemistry on Materials for Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells in TU Delft in Netherlands

The successful candidate should have a PhD degree in (physical) chemistry or physics, preferably with experience in computational chemistry. The candidate is expected to have a good command of the English language.The successful candidate will be employed full-time by TU Delft for a fixed period of four years within which he or she is expected to write a dissertation leading to a doctoral degree (PhD thesis). The starting salary for a PhD is €2042 gross per month increasing to a maximum of €2612 gross per month in the fourth year.

TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free high-speed Internet access from home, and the option of assembling a customised compensation and benefits package. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Delft University of Technology strives to increase the number of women in higher academic positions; women are therefore especially encouraged to apply.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 4 April 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

MyoGrad International Research Fellowship 2011, Germany

MyoGrad International Research Fellowship 2011, Germany

Doctorate Programme in International Research Training Group for the Applicants Pursuing Muscle-related cell and Molecular biology in Germany -2011

Study Subject: Muscle-related cell and Molecular biology
Employer: International research training group for Myology
Level: PhD

In November 2009 the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) established MyoGrad – the International Research Training Group for Myology. Partner institutions are the Free University Berlin and the Medical Faculty of the Charité in Berlin together with the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (Paris VI). The working language of the program is English.

In the course of the program MyoGrad students have also access to complementary training classes in transferable skills (writing scientific papers, grant application etc.) thus ensuring long-term scientific success. Teaching in Summer School settings, continuous communication between students and teachers in seminars and journal clubs face-to-face and online and a myology “E-learning” platform are the cornerstones of the educational concept.

Scholarship Application Deadline: March 31, 2011.

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

International Fulbright Science and Technology PhD Program for Egyptians, USA

International Fulbright Science and Technology PhD Program for Egyptians, USA

International Fulbright Science and Technology PhD Program for Egyptians for Doctoral Studies at U.S. Institution

Study Subject: Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Employer: Fulbright
Level: PhD

This Program provides opportunities for bachelor’s and master’s students for doctoral studies at U.S. institutions in the fields of science, technology, engineering andmathematics.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Egyptian citizenship; holders of U.S. green cards and/or passports are ineligible.
- Bachelors or master’s degree in a relevant specialization from an accredited university, with a minimum Grade/GPA of Very Good/B+.
- Minimum Institutional (Local-ITP) TOEFL score of 580 from AMIDEAST Egypt or any of the ETS approved centers listed below, or its iBt (92) or IELTS (6.5-7) equivalent

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 14, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Hiroshi Wagatsuma Memorial Fund scholarship

Hiroshi Wagatsuma Memorial Fund scholarship

Hiroshi Wagatsuma Memorial Fund Announce Graduate Fellowships, 2011-2012

Study Subject: Dissertation or comparable research project with a substantial cross-cultural or comparative dimension, preferably one concerning Japan or other Asian country and North America.
Employer: ULCA Asia Institute
Level: Masters

Wagatsuma Fellowship was created in honor of the late UCLA Anthropology Professor Hiroshi Wagatsuma, who for many years served as an important bridge of mutual understanding between students and academics in Japan and the United States. He pursued cross-cultural studies in anthropology, psychology, sociology, and law until his death in 1985. Several awards of up to $7000 will be made to students working on a dissertation or comparable research project with a substantial cross-cultural or comparative dimension, preferably one concerning Japan or other Asian country and North America. Applications should discuss how the proposal meets the requirements of the award to continue in the spirit of Prof. Wagatsuma’s work. Graduate student applicants must be current UCLA students in good standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Each application must be accompanied by a proposal of 2-3 pages in length, an unofficial UCLA transcript, and two letters of recommendation.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Goethe Business School Scholarship 2011-2012, Germany

Goethe Business School Scholarship, Germany

Goethe Business School Scholarship for Pursuing Full- time MBA

Study Subject: Management
Employer: Goethe Business School
Level: Masters

Students of Goethe Business School fund their studies in a variety of ways. Some rely solely on personal funds, such as savings, while others draw from a combination of financial resources, including personal funds, corporate sponsorship (in the case of executive students), loans, and/or scholarships.
Highly qualified applicants are encouraged to apply for Goethe Business School’s scholarships.
Goethe Business School offers a variety of scholarship options which cover part of the tuition fees for a number of selected, highly-talented and ambitious students.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 March 2011 and 1 June 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Fulbright Egyptian Student Program, USA

Fulbright Egyptian Student Program, USA

Fulbright Egyptian Student Program to Study or Conduct Research in USA

Study Subject: Any
Employer: Fulbright
Level: Master’s, Non Degree, Professional, Artists

This program provides opportunities for university graduates, masters and doctoral degree candidates, and young professionals and artists to study and conduct research in the United States.
Grant Types:
- Masters Degree Grants: up to two years for persons wishing to pursue postgraduate degrees in the U.S.
- Non-degree Grants: six to nine months for persons registered for advanced degrees in Egyptian universities who wish to conduct research in the U.S.
- Fine and Applied Arts Grants: six to nine months for artists who wish to conduct field research or attend master classes with professionals in the U.S.

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 14, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Fulbright Egyptian Student Program in Islamic Studies for Egyptians, USA

Fulbright Egyptian Student Program in Islamic Studies for Egyptians, USA

Fulbright Egyptian Student Program in Islamic Studies in United States

Study Subject: Islamic Studies
Employer: Fulbright
Level: Masters, PhD, Research

Provides opportunities for graduates of the Faculties of Islamic Studies at Al Azhar University to pursue master’s degrees, or Ph.D. degrees and to conduct research in Islamic Studies in the United States.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Egyptian citizenship; holders of U.S. green cards and/or passports are ineligible.
- Al Azhar University graduate.
- Nomination by a facuty member of Al Azhar University.
- Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of “Good”.
- Minimum Institutional (local) TOEFL score of 450 for master’s degree from AMIDEAST or its equivalent iBT (45), CBT (133) or IELTS (4) and minimum institutional (local) TOEFL score of 500 for Ph.D. from AMIDEAST or any of the ETS approved centers listed below; or its equivalent iBT (61), CBT (173) or IELTS (5)

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 14, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) for Egyptian Teachers

Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) for Egyptian Teachers

Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) for Egyptian Teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL), as Well as Teachers of American Studies, Literature, and Journalism and Media Studies

Study Subject: English language proficiency
Employer: Fulbright
Level: Teacher

The program strengthens foreign language instruction of Arabic in American institutions while providing Egyptian teachers of English as a second language (ESL), as well as teachers of American studies, literature, and journalism and media studies, with opportunities to refine their skills, increase their English language proficiency, and expand their knowledge of American society. FLTA fellows teach a maximum of two Arabic classes at host institutions. They enroll in at least four courses (two per semester), one of which must be in U.S. studies. They also facilitate cultural events, language clubs and language tables in their host.

Scholarship Application Deadline: May 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Asian Development Egyptian Fulbright Missions Program (EFMP)

Asian Development Egyptian Fulbright Missions Program (EFMP)

Egyptian Fulbright Missions Program (EFMP) to Pursue PhD Degrees in Selected Scientific Fields

Study Subject: Desalination and Water resources, Food and Agriculture, Information and Communication Technology, Life Sciences , New and Renewable Energy, Space Technology and Applications
Employer: Fulbright
Level: PhD

Provides opportunities for Egyptian post-graduate students to pursue Ph.D. degrees in selected scientific fields at universities in the United States.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Egyptian citizenship (Holders of U.S. immigrant visas or nationality shall be excluded.)
- Master’s degree in a relevant specialization
- Minimum Institutional (Local-ITP) TOEFL score of 580 from AMIDEAST Egypt or any of the ETS approved centers listed below, or its iBt (92) or IELTS (6.5-7) equivalent

Scholarship Application Deadline: April 14, 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program

Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program

ADB- Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) for Well-qualified Citizens of ADB’s Developing Member Countries

Study Subject: Economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields
Employer: Government of Japan
Level: Postgraduate

Asian Development Bank (ADB) – Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan.
It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB’s developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management,science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.
The ADB-JSP enrolls about 300 students annually in 27 academic institutions located in 10 countries within the Region.
The ADB-JSP provides full scholarships for one to two years.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Send applications for scholarships at least six months prior to the planned time that you wish to commence studies

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

Asia Institute Graduate Fellowships, 2011-2012

Asia Institute Graduate Scholarship, 2011-2012

Graduate Fellowships Positions at Asia Institute, 2011-2012

Study Subject: Asian topic or incorporates Asia in comparative or regional perspectives or methodologies
Employer: UCLA Asia Institute
Level: Graduate

Scholarship Description: The Asia Institute provides two fellowships of approximately $8000 each to UCLA graduate students whose research focuses on an Asian topic or incorporates Asia in comparative or regional perspectives or methodologies. The regions covered by these fellowships include East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. Graduate student applicants must be advanced to candidacy by September, 2011, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 April 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net