DTU Aqua is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark. The purpose of DTU Aqua is to provide research, advice and education at the highest international level within the sustainable exploitation of living marine and freshwater resources, the biology of aquatic organisms and the development of ecosystems as well as their integration in ecosystem-based management. The institute has an international research staff comprising approx. 90 academic employees.
Scholarship Details:
The PhD project will address the role of clupeids as predators on early life stages of cod, and involves field sampling, laboratory analyses and modelling studies. It will investigate the impact of predation by sprat and herring on cod eggs and larvae based on diet compositions of clupeids sampled in areas and during years with widely contrasting hydrographic conditions. Specifically, the project will focus on: 1) prey selection of herring and sprat from the available food environment, monitored by plankton surveys conducted concurrently to the stomach sampling, and 2) estimating cod egg predation mortality caused by clupeids based on developed prey selection models, egg abundance and distribution from ichthyoplankton surveys, as well as herring and sprat abundance from hydroacoustic surveys and stock assessment models.
Qualification Details:
We are looking for a candidate who has:
* Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree, or equivalent, in Aquatic Sciences
* Previous experience in fisheries and marine biological research
* Proficiency in written and spoken English
* Keen interest in research and a wish to work in the field of aquatic science
Approval and Enrolment Details:
The scholarship for the PhD degree is subject to academic approval, and the candidate will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes at DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline is 7 December 2010
Further Details:
For further information about this scholarship visit below link.
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