Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Georgina Sweet Scholarship 2011, Australia

Georgina Sweet Scholarship 2011, Australia

The biennial Georgina Sweet Fellowship supports a woman postgraduate to undertake advanced study, post-first degree study or research in any field, at an Australian university

Study Subject: Any Field
Employer: IFUW
Level: Advanced post-first degree study or research

Eligibility Available to women postgraduates enrolled in, or accepted by, an Australian university for
advanced post-first degree study or research in any field.
Applicants must be:
-a financial member of the National Federation e.g. AFGW or
-a financial member of another association of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) or
-an independent member of IFUW (only if there is no IFUW association in country of residence).
Proof of membership must be provided (copy of receipt or record of membership.

Scholarship Appication Deadline: 30 May 2011

For further information, go to:

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