Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

The Glasgow School of Art offers Undergraduate Scholarship, UK 2011

The Glasgow School of Art offers Undergraduate Scholarship, UK 2011

Filed under: UK Scholarships

Undergraduate Scholarship for the students in the field of Interior Design , B.Arch,Fine Art at The Glasgow School of Art in UK -2011
Study Subject(s): Interior Design , B.Arch,Fine Art
Course Level: Undergraduates
Scholarship Provider: GSA
Applicants must submit with their application a piece of work on one of the following subjects: • Picture of a Garden • Picture of a sunset effect • Picture of flowers • Piece of sculpture of three doves The work must be a maximum of A5 sized.
The Glasgow School of Art has a number of scholarships available to new Undergraduate students. Each scholarship has its own guidelines for applying, but every applicant for a scholarship must have met the academic entry requirements for study and hold an offer letter (either conditional or unconditional) from the Glasgow School of Art. Applicants for any scholarship must send a copy of their offer letter with their scholarship application. A scholarship is awarded to assist you during your time at the GSA. Some of the scholarships offer a contribution towards tuition fees, whilst others provide a maintenance grant. The value does not reflect the full cost of undertaking full-time study, and unless otherwise stated, the scholarships are for one session only, so you should ensure that you have sufficient funds to complete your course once the period of the scholarship has come to an end. For information on the other funds available to help you whilst you are studying at the GSA, please contact the Student Welfare Adviser
How to Apply: Online, Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: 10 June 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

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