Scholarships Position in Environment at Environment America Organization, USA
Study Subject: Environmental Policies
Employer: Environment America Organization
Level: Holding a graduates degree
From the BP disaster in the Gulf to the climate crisis facing our planet, the need to confront big environmental challenges has never been clearer. If you are looking for the opportunity, training and experience to make a powerful and long-lasting impact on the policies that will shape our energy future, the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink, and the fate of the places we love, check out Environment America’s Fellowship Program. Through the Fellowship Program, you will develop relationships with lawmakers and community leaders, earn media coverage for important environmental issues, raise funds, build a membership, recruit and manage staff and volunteers, and run grassroots campaigns to promote clean energy, clean up our air and water, and preserve some of our nation’s most beloved spaces. Bottom line: You’ll make a real difference. After just two years of hard work, you’ll have the skills and experience that will set you apart from most recent college graduates, and you’ll be prepared to take on even more leadership here at Environment America or elsewhere in the environmental community.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 10 March 2011
For further information, go to:
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