Market Economics Geography Research Scholarships 2011 Available to Post Graduate Dissertation and Masters Thesis in Geography/GIS Students, New Zealand
Study Subject: Human/economic geography, including GIS
Employer: Market Economics
Level: Postgraduate
The purpose of the M.E Scholarships is to encourage post graduate research in the field of human/economic geography, including GIS, by rewarding demonstrated ability and lowering financial barriers. Ensuring a continued interest in these academic fields is necessary for the future health of a range of professional sectors in the New Zealand and international market place, including the future health of companies such as M.E.Through this scholarship programme, M.E hopes to demonstrate to geography students the importance and relevance of post-graduate study, and research in human/economic geography in particular (including GIS).
Post-graduate geography students develop a range of skills that are very valuable in the market place including big-picture, spatial and modelling approaches to problem solving. Although an M.E scholarship does not guarantee future employment at M.E, these are the skills M.E looks for in potential business/spatial analyst employees.
Many of M.E’s current and past staff members were post-graduate students in Geography at Auckland University. M.E is keen to foster an ongoing relationship with the Geography Department through this scholarship programme by providing a tangible ‘face’ of how geography is applied in the workplace.
Scholarship Application Deadline:
Research Dissertation Scholarship-17 June 2011
Masters Research Thesis Scholarship-18 February 2011
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