Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

MRes Marine and Freshwater Ecology and Environmental Management – Scholarship Opportunities, UK Newest Scholarships 2011

MRes Marine and Freshwater Ecology and Environmental Management – Scholarship Opportunities, UK Newest Scholarships 2011

August 12, 2011 by info
Filed under: Europe Scholarships, International Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, UK Scholarships

Four EU INTERREG scholarships available for the MRes Marine and Freshwater Ecology and Environmental Management.

Study Subject(s): Marine & Freshwater Ecology & Environmental Management
Course Level: Masters
Scholarship Provider: EU INTERREG programme
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Students (from the UK or EU). It is also ideal for students who hope subsequently to study for a PhD as the MRes qualification is increasingly giving candidates an edge in competing for a research studentship.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes( EU, UK)

The programme draws on the research expertise of a large number of staff at the University, but also staff at other local institutions, such as the University Marine Biological Station, Millport, and allows you the chance to obtain experience in a wide range of modern research techniques. The programme is suited to those who are, or expect to be, professionally involved in this area, working for research laboratories, government departments, international agencies, non-governmental organisations or consultancy businesses. It is also ideal for students who hope subsequently to study for a PhD as the MRes qualification is increasingly giving candidates an edge in competing for a research studentship

How to Apply: Scholarship applications and any queries should be e-mailed to Dr Kevin Murphy

Scholarship Application Deadline: 05 Sept 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

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