Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

PhD Student Position in Environmental Science with Emphasis on Environmental Chemistry and Physics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

PhD Student Position in Environmental Science with Emphasis on Environmental Chemistry and Physics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

August 6, 2011 by info
Filed under: PhD Scholarships, Sweden PhD, Sweden Scholarships
The department for Chemical and biological engineering offers PhD Studentship in Environmental science with emphasis on Environmental Chemistry and Physics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Study Subject(s):Environmental science with emphasis on Environmental Chemistry and Physics
Course Level :P hD
Scholarship Provider: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Scholarship can be taken at: Sweden

The applicant must hold an exam in Chemistry, Environmental Science or other related discipline, have a collaborative attitude and be open for new challenges and field work in demanding environments e.g on board research vessels and at polar and marine stations. The undergraduates are normally taught in Swedish, although the graduate level teaching is in English. Thus good language skills are required. Applicants who do not have Swedish as native language should be able to teach in Swedish after two years of employment.

The department for Chemical and biological engineering promote research and education for sustainable development, for improved health and quality of life. Our research ranges from naturalscience and bioscience, applied chemistry and biotechnology to chemical engineering. Our educational programs are characterized by technological solutions for improving people’s everyday life, and are continuously developed for meeting and promoting societal and industrial development. We have approximately 350 employees, divided into five research divisions and one administrative unit. We are situated at campus Johanneberg. Our department is characterized by stimulation of world leading research, in an environment where people develop and create new knowledge. We look for a PhD candidate to work with a team of international leading experts in the project: Global Mercury Observation System, GMOS. The project is a part of the 7th EU framework program co-funded by European commission and Chalmers University of Technology. Mercury is a recognized global pollutant and it’s cycling between different environmental compartments depends on the dynamic of chemical and physical processes (oxidation, reduction, methylation, dry and wet deposition and evasion from surfaces). The overall goal of the GMOS project is to develop a coordinated global observation system for mercury and to provide temporal and spatial distributions of mercury concentrations in ambient air and precipitation over land and sea surface at different altitudes and latitudes around the world. The successful applicant will have the possibility to participate in oceanographic and land based measurement campaigns at polar, tropical and temperate sites.

How to Apply: Online

Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 August 2011

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

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