Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Japan Study Abroad Scholarships at University of Westminister – UK Newest Scholarships 2011

Japan Study Abroad Scholarships at University of Westminister – UK Newest Scholarships 2011

Apply now
Application procedure and presentation guidelines
Important points

1. Apply for scholarships only after you have been offered a place (conditional or unconditional) on a course at the University of Westminster.
2. Please do not apply if you have already enrolled or begun a course of study at the University of Westminster.
3. Read the information on individual scholarships carefully and ensure that you only apply for ones that you are eligible for and meet the criteria of. For example, do not apply for the Vietnam Scholarship unless you are from Vietnam.
4. Photocopy the application form at the back of our scholarships brochure or print the form from our website.
5. Use the same application form when applying for more than one scholarship.
6. Attach the relevant papers only and keep your supporting documents to a minimum. The quantity of documents sent does not give any advantage.
7. Attach translations where supporting documents are in any other language but English.
8. Word process the application as far as possible. If handwriting the application, please ensure it is written clearly and in block letters. Illegible applications will be considered ineligible.
9. Keep your application concise. If we ask for 400 words we mean it, as it is a test of how you can marshal your argument concisely. Exceeding the limit will greatly reduce your chances of an award.
10. Unless you are applying for a specific scholarship, just tell us what level of support you require eg, fees only, fees and accommodation etc and we will match the scholarship to your needs where possible.
11. Provide us with a valid email address. The University and its Scholarships Committee is not responsible for opportunities missed because of an invalid email address.
12. Only send copies of your academic transcript as we will not be able to return any original documentation sent.
13. It is acceptable for your university to send transcripts to us directly, but we will not be able to return them to you at any stage.
14. If, as an international student, you are already in the U.K. please explain why.

For further information, go to: http://infoscholarship.net

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